Jambo!!! Kenyan Tea of The Month


In our early days in the tea trade we spent a lot of time in Kenya because it was, and still is, a really important origin for the UK tea market.  The reason Kenya is so important is that what is grown is turned into CTC (cut, tear, curl) tea, a style that delivers a fast infusing cuppa.  With it’s bright, golden appearance and brisk, refreshing liquor, it has become the backbone of many English Breakfast Blends – including ours!  It has also become popular with UK buyers because unlike tea from Assam, China or Malawi, Kenyan tea can grow all year round -  it’s on the equator.  Buyers don’t need to purchase seasonal stocks that to last the whole year.

 Of course this would also mean we could visit the estates whenever we wanted and still see tea manufacture. I didn’t always time it right, it could get quite chilly – I remember staying in a bungalow in Kericho and having a roaring log fire in my bedroom!

Whilst Little Spoon (far older and wiser), cut his teeth as a buyer in the London tea auction, I started out a year after it closed down in 1998.  Mombasa was a great place to learn the ins and outs of tea tasting, buying and blending in an auction environment.  And there was nothing quite like finishing a long day in the office with an iced cold lager - the one and only Tusker!

So, we will always have a soft spot for Kenya, its people and its tea which is why we wanted to feature it in our range.  

Our single estate Kenyan tea is from a factory owned by smallholders.  It is situated east of the Great Rift Valley an area known for its quality.  If you fancy a slurp, head to the shop and use code JAMBO15 at check out for 15% off!